A classical musician encounters many different pieces in different settings throughout their career. Is it acceptable to play all these pieces by using the manuscript up front in a concert, or part of the musician's requirement is to memorize everything?
Let us first define the instances in which we depend on the score and the times we must play by memory.
First, it is important to establish that, in general, we use the manuscript during the rehearsals unless we are trying to see if we can play our solo piece by memory in preparation for a concert.
Whether we use the sheet music in concert depends on the setting and music played.
In chamber music, one is usually not required to memorize the music, as other things are at play. There is a great deal of ensemble work to be done, which requires the players to work together, so they need the music. Although I have seen small chamber ensembles playing certain pieces by memory in concert, that brought a dynamic feeling to the concert. However, it is not a must in chamber music.
Therefore, the situations vary, and one has to adapt to the setting. An example is when an orchestra plays in an opera or ballet production. The musicians usually sit in the pit below the stage and read the music using the manuscripts on their stand. Therefore, If you play in the orchestra in the pit and accompany the ballet players or opera singers, you will need the music. It is not even questioned. It is important to note that opera singers must memorize their parts as they are on stage, and their singing, in part, also involves acting. So, this is a given because it is unimaginable that an opera singer will be singing with the manuscript in hand for a performance.
Similarly, during orchestra concerts, musicians utilize their music on their stands. Therefore, the players don't play by memory. There are so many instruments that the concern is not memorization of the piece. Some instruments must wait until their turn, and with so much repertoire, it is impossible to memorize them. They need the reference to play where they are required.
Playing by memory usually applies to solo performances when the soloist is featured. A soloist here would mean that they are playing a violin or a piano concerto, and the orchestra is accompanying them. In some cases, it is again unimaginable, similar to the opera singer, in that the soloist has the music while the orchestra accompanies them. If you are a solo performer, then it is a must. You have to play the music by memory. It is not just accepted that someone stands in front of an orchestra to play a solo concerto and play it with music. It is not the norm.
Again, the setting is also essential for soloists. Suppose it is at a university class recital. Then, it is okay to use the music for support. Another note is that the piano usually accompanies a soloist during such recitals, and they use their music. The soloist typically plays without the music, but the accompanist plays with the music and is usually the pianist. In a more significant setting, the accompanist will be the orchestra; again, they will not memorize the music.
There are some instances in professional solo recitals when an artist plays a sonata composed for two instruments of equal importance. There are some such sonatas composed by Beethoven and later composers who gave equal importance to both instruments in their compositions. In the latter case, playing the piece with the music is more than okay.
Having said all this, you must not shy away from playing by memory when playing solo pieces but confidently play on stage when you have put in the hours. You can truly concentrate on your expression provided you know the music well by memory. You can now focus on the essential things, such as your sound and phrasing. It is ultimately better to do so because more learning occurs that way than if you didn't. Remember, you can play recitals on a smaller scale with your music. It does not have to be with the music in those cases, but if you want to do this professionally, you must memorize it.
In many instances, I have found it freeing, and using the music has felt like a distraction more than a help.
What can you do?
Practice well, observe the professionals playing solos, and use repetition as a practicing tool.
I provide listening suggestions on my site, which you can consult for ideas on what to listen to. This week, I will list a prominent concerto you can find a recording online and observe a professional artist playing.
How do you cope with memorization? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.
Happy Practicing!
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