Welcome to my space. I am Cassia Kouyoumdjian, and I am thrilled you have discovered my site. I am equally excited to share, explore, and learn about the classical music world with you. Whether you are new to music, playing an instrument for enjoyment, or studying at a university to become a professional musician, you can benefit from this site as an accompaniment to your musical journey.
The articles address general topics on practicing and performing. There are no instrument-specific discussions except for the cello, and that is because I am a cellist. However, the musical concepts are universal, such as proper practicing habits, performance preparation, and listening skills. Therefore, general musical issues, tips, and thoughts that apply to music and musicians are addressed to improve the music student's relationship with their instruments.
When I began learning how to play the cello years ago, little did I know that I would want to record my experiences someday and share them with the world. Several decades have passed since my first cello teacher removed my half-size cello from the cabinet and introduced it to me for the first time, but that magical moment set the tone for my musical journey, which continues to this day. Upon seeing my cello that day, my father drew the bow on the C string and compared the sound to a boat's horn. Since then, boats and harbors have been my favorites, as I took refuge at the Los Angeles harbor for my daily walks when I lived in San Pedro years ago.
Please feel free to explore and comment on the posts and follow along my journey as the projects I work on come to light. I also have a section where I suggest weekly listening to pieces of music literature by famous composers.
I thank you for being here.
Happy Reading!

Upcoming Projects
My current project is a nonfiction book on the musical topics covered in this website.
I am also working on a couple of children's picture books.
So stay tuned.
New Adventure
I am learning how to play the Viola da Gamba. I will keep you posted.
Listening Suggestions
Weekly listening suggestions are found under that heading in the menu.
Downloads and Resources
Coming Soon
I dedicate this Website to my family, my husband, Avedis, and two daughters, Leah and Ariella. I am infinitely grateful for having them in my life.
Photo Credits
My father, Zaven Kaprielian, drew this cello profile on the left for the poster of one of my recitals years ago. He passed away in 2017.